(line of code of interest is the last one, the rest is just for a full representation)
Using the following code, I wanted to take VOTERS until I exceeded the maximum votes needed, but it stops right before reaching that maximum number of votes, so my voters pool has 1 fewer voter than I wanted.
Is there a clean way in LINQ where I could have made it take votes UNTIL it reached the maximum numbers of votes? I know I could add one more voter or do this in a loop but I am curious if there was a good way to do this with LINQ instead.
var voters = new List<Person>
new Person("Alice", Vote.Yes ),
new Person("Bob", Vote.Yes),
new Person("Catherine", Vote.No),
new Person("Denzel", Vote.Yes),
new Person("Einrich", Vote.Abstain),
new Person("Frederica", Vote.Abstain),
new Person("Goeffried", Vote.Abstain),
voters.Single(c => c.Name == "Alice").Voices = 100;
voters.Single(c => c.Name == "Bob").Voices = 150;
voters.Single(c => c.Name == "Catherine").Voices = 99;
voters.Single(c => c.Name == "Denzel").Voices = 24;
voters.Single(c => c.Name == "Einrich").Voices = 52;
voters.Single(c => c.Name == "Frederica").Voices = 39;
voters.Single(c => c.Name == "Goeffried").Voices = 99;
// this takes voters until we are BEFORE reaching X voices...
int voicesSoFar = 0;
int voicesNeeded = 300;
var eligibleVoters = voters.TakeWhile((p => (voicesSoFar += p.Voices) < voicesNeeded ));