





I have the following question:

When I execute the following script directly in a terminal window, the commands behave as expected.

$ diff <(echo tmp) <(echo tmp1)
< tmp
> tmp1

However when I write the same command in a shell script

#! /bin/bash
diff <(echo tmp) <(echo tmp1)

I get the following error message:

$ sh test.sh
test.sh: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `('
test.sh: line 2: ` diff <(echo tmp) <(echo tmp1)'

Initially I thought this was an issue with diff, but this also happens with other commands. Does anybody have an idea what causes the problem?

+2  A: 


bash test.sh


chmod ugo+x test.sh

Works fine for me when I do either.

Looks like the syntax is not supported by the bourne shell (sh).

Thanks, did not think of the differences between bash and bourne. This solved the problem!
@sugo: If your problem is solved, do consider accepting codaddict's answer. There's a tick outline under the answer's score you click on to do that.
Charles Stewart

That syntax doesn't look familiar. Are you sure you are using bash in your terminal? You can verify by typing echo $SHELL.

I have this working as per qn on a bash on osx, and failing for a bash on debian, both version 2.05b.0(1)-release.
Charles Stewart

When bash is invoked using sh, it starts up in a special, POSIX-compliant mode. This has different syntax, which I guess explains the different results.

See bashref of POSIX mode, #22: "process substitution is not available".

Charles Stewart
Thanks for the clarification, I though that #! /bin/bash at the beginning of the script would be sufficient.
@sugo: The shebang is overridden when you specify the interpreter. It isn't necessarily running Bash in POSIX mode unless `sh` is symlinked to `bash`. So it's actually using whatever `sh` represents on your system. One way to see this is to create a file consisting of `ls -l /proc/$$/exe` called "showshell" and run it with `sh ./showshell` and `bash ./showshell`, and you'll see the symlink. On my system, `sh` is `/bin/dash`.
Dennis Williamson