



I'm going to be away from internet access sporadically, and I'd like to continue learning Django 1.0 using the Django book. I have found a PDF of version 1.0, but that deals with an older version of the framework, and so I expect it to differ in subtle and hard-to-grok ways from the version I'm working with.

Is there a PDF/ePub/HTML offline version of the v2.0 book anywhere?

+3  A: 

I don't think so, because the book doesn't seemed to be finished right now. Anyway, wget -mpkE might be your friend ;)


google it: The Definitive Guide to Django Web Development Done Right, second edition by Adrian Holovaty and Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Apress


You can use Scrapbook firefox extension to download the entire site and the links it points to, locally. Or use unix tools like wget to get all the required pages.

You will also require the awesome django documentation. You can obtain that too, by checking out the django svn, as documentation is a part of that svn too.

Install sphinx and run make html and you have all the django documentation locally.

Lakshman Prasad
+1  A: 

Hey, Adrian Holovaty here, coauthor of the Django Book. Version 2.0 of the book has been published in print by Apress, and you can get it at finer bookstores. We really ought to get around to updating the Web site to mention that.

Adrian Holovaty
On behalf of active django community on StackOverflow, "Welcome to Stackoverflow!"
Lakshman Prasad