As VBA-novice I'm having trouble understanding some VBA behaviour.
I got the following code, which reads rows from a db into an activex control, and thereafter tries to put these values into an array. the vxdata1 activex is proprietary, no insight there - but basicly it cares for the ADO connection, executing of an SQL command and putting the resultset into an control element.
//put all records from the db into the vxData1 datagrid
vxData1.SQLCommand = "SELECT x,y,z FROM t ORDER BY z"
//put the datagrid values into an array
Dim Array_Werte(500) As String
For i = 0 To 500 Step 1
Array_Werte(i) = vxData1.Column1 & ";" & vxData1.Column2 & ";" & vxData1.Column3
Next i
Following problem arises: The array doesn't always contain all the data it should have (very unpredictable).
When I debug the code and go through the loop, everything works like a charm. So I concluded that the time consuming database query (large dataset) hasn't finished yet when I enter the loop.
Now I wonder: is that a problem with the code or is it a 'feature' of vba or scripting languages in general? I've seen stuff in the net like putting a User.wait there - but I can never know how long my query will take - and that seems like really bad style.