It is the first time I have ever launched live a website (with Grails web framework under Amazon EC2 platform and Cloud Foundry) and I realized quickly that I am not ready for monitoring and maintening correctly my application in production mode (fortunately the website is accessible to a very limited number of users) .
The issues I have faced so far are:
- Cannot change my views. I need to redeploy my application
- I have no monitoring. I don't know who is connected, when do they sign in / sign out...
- Redploying my application (upload WAR + deploy) takes at least 30 minutes.
- I don't know how to restart my Tomcat server without a redeploy through Cloud Foundry !
- ...
So, my question is very simple:
What tools (including grails plugins) and methods can you recommend me for taking me out from my current blindness?