Scenario is:
Given the following files c:\dev\deploy\file1.txt c:\dev\deploy\file2.txt c:\dev\deploy\file3.txt c:\dev\deploy\lib\do1.dll c:\dev\deploy\lib\do2.dll
e.g. if $pwd is the following
running the statement
$files = get-childitem
I want to take this list and using << foreach ($file in $files) >> I want to substitute my own path for the $pwd e.g. I want to be able to print out, for e.g. a path of c:\temp\files the following
c:\temp\files\file1.txt c:\temp\files\file2.txt c:\temp\files\file3.txt c:\temp\files\lib\do1.dll c:\temp\files\lib\do2.dll
How can I peform this i.e. A = c:\dev\deploy\file1.txt - c:\dev\deploy\
B = c:\temp\files\ + A
giving B = c:\temp\files\file1.txt
Thanks in advance