




I am using tag of coldfusion 7. Using CFEclipse and working on Mac OS. I have written the following code:

<cfdocument format="pdf">
 SitePoint.com - Introduction to ColdFusion 7
 PDF Generation
 This is an example of PDF generation using ColdFusion 7.

But instead of asking me to save this file in .pdf format, its trying to open it in .cfm format. Please tell me how can I save it in .pdf format. Thanks!!

+5  A: 

Unless you tell it otherwise, the webserver returns the results of a CFM call as text. You need to use CFContent with CFHeader to alert the browser that the results it will be recieving are of a different type. Something like:

<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="inline; filename=document.pdf"> 
<cfcontent type="application/x-pdf"> 

I may have the MIME type wrong there. I'm doing this from memory. Check the docs for more help.

Ben Doom
+3  A: 

If you are on CF8 or higher then use the saveAsName attribute:

<cfdocument saveAsName=""

Either that or the method suggested by Ben above should work

Sam Farmer
Nice tip. I didn't know about that. I should really pay more attention to changelogs. :-)
Ben Doom


<cfdocument format="PDF" name="myPDF">
   SitePoint.com - Introduction to ColdFusion 7
   PDF Generation
   This is an example of PDF generation using ColdFusion 7.

<cfpdf action = "write" destination = "pdf_path" source = "myPDF" overwrite = "yes"/>

<cflocation url="pdf_path"/>

Whis this you save the PDF on disk
