




I have to add a coupon table to my db. There are 3 types of coupons : percentage, amount or 2 for 1.

So far I've come up with a coupon table that contains these 3 fields. If there's a percentage value not set to null then it's this kind of coupon.

I feel it's not the proper way to do it. Should I create a CouponType table and how would you see it? Where would you store these values?

Any help or cue appreciated!



+4  A: 

You're correct, I think a CouponType table would be fit for your problem.

Two tables: Coupons and CouponTypes. Store the CouponTypeId inside the Coupons table.

So for an example, you'll have a Coupon record called "50% off", if would reference the percent off CouponType record and from there you could determine the logic to take 50% off the cost of the item.

So now you can create unlimited coupons, if it's a dollar amount coupon type it will take the "amount" column and treat it as a dollar amount. If it's a percent off it will treat it as a percentage and if it's an "x for 1" deal, it will treat the value as x.

- Table Coupons
  - ID
  - name
  - coupon_type_id # (or whatever fits your style guidelines)
  - amount # Example: 10.00 (treated as $10 off for amount type, treated as  
           # 10% for percent type or 10 for 1 with the final type) 
  - expiration_date

- Table CouponTypes
  - ID
  - type # (amount, percent, <whatever you decided to call the 2 for 1> :))
Thanks a lot mwilliams. I'm definitely going that way.thanks you all for your answers
You're welcome. Good luck with the project!
You could do this, but then the amount column is being used to store 2 different kinds of data. That will bite you further down the road. You've exchanged having 2 columns for having one column and a join - I would keep 2 columns!
+1  A: 

I would definitely create a CouponType lookup table. That way you avoid all the NULL's and allow for more coupon types in the future.

Coupon coupon_id INT name VARCHAR coupon_type_id INT <- Foreign Key

CouponType coupon_type_id INT type_description VARCHAR ...

Or I suppose you could have a coupon type column in your coupon table CHAR(1)

Chris Kloberdanz
+2  A: 

In the future you might have much more different coupon types. You could also have different business logic associated with them - you never know. It's always useful to do the things right in this case, so yes, definitely, create a coupon type field and an associated dictionary table to go with it.

Ilya Kochetov