I have the following code, any ideas on how to resolve this issue, instead of declaring a int variable outside the function? I get the following compiler error: Use of unassigned local variable 'counter'
public static int GetNumberOfDevicesForManagementGroup(Guid managementGroupId, bool firstTime)
int counter;
using (var ctx = new DeviceManagerEntities())
if (firstTime)
firstTime = false;
counter = 0;
GetNumberOfDevicesForManagementGroup(managementGroupId, firstTime);
var groups = ctx.ManagementGroups
.Where(x => x.ParentId == managementGroupId)
if (groups.Count != 0)
foreach (ManagementGroups group in groups)
var devices = ctx.Devices
.Where(x => x.ManagementGroups.ManagementGroupId == group.ManagementGroupId)
foreach (Devices device in devices)
GetNumberOfDevicesForManagementGroup(group.ManagementGroupId, firstTime);
var devices = ctx.Devices
.Where(x => x.ManagementGroups.ManagementGroupId == managementGroupId)
foreach (Devices device in devices)
return counter;