my XML is referencing a DTD like this:
< !DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OWNER//NAME//EN" "http://invalid/path/to.dtd">
The DTD is not available via the given URL, but I can download it to my disc. I tried to implement a custom XmlResolver to load the DTD, but it does not work. My custom XmlResolver implements GetEntity and via the debugger I can see the following calls comming in:
- The requested uri is the xml document to be loaded. I open a stream for this document and return it. That works fine.
- The DTD is requested as a URI of the format "file:///absolut/path/to.xml/-//OWNER//NAME//EN". I'm using a regular expression to check for -//.*?// which works fine, but looks not very clean for me. But if the DTD is selfcontained, it works.
- The DTD is referencing modules.ent. That results in a call to GetEntity with an URI of: "file:///absolut/path/to.xml/-//OWNER//NAME//modules.ent". Obviously now it get's quite strange to reconstruct the intension of the path.
Any hint how to implement that in a correct way? I think public external DTDs are quite common in the publishing sector so there must be a clean solution!?
cheers, Achim