



Hi. I am developing a mega menu for an ecommerce site. I have uploaded the current version here: The menu works great with or without javascript at the moment. What I would really like is to improve the usability when the user have javascript enable by creating a short delay before the menu animates out. My jquery code so far is:

$(function() {
// If no JS CSS menu will still work

// Find subnav menus and slide them down
$("#menu li a").hover(function(){ 
    $(this).parent().hover(function() {
    }, function() {
        // On hovering out slide subnav menus back up


Can anyone please help me achieve the delay effect? Many thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

I'm assuming you mean that they need to hover over the item for some time before the menu animates. Use the hoverIntent plugin for this instead of hover -- does exactly what I've described.

@tvanfosson - thats exactly what I want to do. I have had a go at using the hoverIntent plugin as you suggested but it has not worked I have up dated my code above, what am I doing wrong?
@mtwallet -- can you define "not work" a little more precisely? Are you getting a javascript error? Does it simply not fire as expected? Did you try removing the "hover" code from the `animateIn` function (can't tell if it's just your post or the actual code that's wrong)?
@tvanfosson - I got it working in the end many thanks for your help I appreciate it

Delay the hover with setTimeout(), 2nd argument being delay in milliseconds

Chris Tek
@ChrisTek How would I do that?
@mtwallet -- do you just want it to delay the animation or delay before firing the animation so that it doesn't trigger unless you actually stay over the trigger element for a bit. Using a simple setTimeout() will not do the latter, you'd need to check if the mouse is still over the trigger element after the timeout expires -- this is essentially what the hoverIntent plugin does.
@tvanfosson - thats exactly what I want to do. I have had a go at using the hoverIntent plugin as you suggested but it has not worked I have up dated my code above, what am I doing wrong?

As suggested by tvanfosson:

        $("#menu li").hoverIntent({
            sensitivity: 3, 
            interval: 200, 
            over: animateOut, 
            timeout: 500, 
            out: animateIn
    }); // close document.ready

    function animateOut(){  

    function animateIn(){
        $(this).parent().hover(function() {
        }, function() {
        // On hovering out fade subnav menus back in
        $("#menu li").removeClass("current");