




Using Codeigniter.

I have a search form on each of my pages. If I use form helper, it defaults to POST. I'd like the search term to show up in the URI: example -- mysite.com/search/KEYWORD

I've been on Google for about an hour to no avail -- only articles on how "GET" is basically disabled because of the native URI convention. But seriously, I can't be the first person to want this kind of functionality. Am i?

Much thanks.


I don't know much about CodeIgniter, but it's PHP, so shouldn't $_GET still be available to you? You could format your URL the same way Google does: mysite.com/search?q=KEYWORD and pull the data out with $_GET['q'].

Besides, a search form seems like a bad place to use POST; GET is bookmarkable and doesn't imply that something is changing server-side.

Justin Voss
No. "GET" is disabled in Codeigniter
but you can enable it
Thorpe Obazee
+2  A: 

As far as I know, there is no method of accomplishing this with a simple POST. However, you can access the form via Javascript and update the destination. For example:

<form id="myform" onsubmit="return changeurl();" method="POST">
<input id="keyword">

function changeurl()
    var form = document.getElementById("myform");
    var keyword = document.getElementById("keyword");

    form.action = "http://mysite.com/search/"+escape(keyword.value);

    return true;
issue with Codeigniter here -- apostrophe's in the search string will not be accepted by the CI URI library: "The URI you submitted has disallowed characters."

Check out this post on how to enable GET query strings together with segmented urls.


After enabling that you can use the following method to retrieve the additional variables.

// url = http://example.com/search/?q=text

This is better because you don't need to change the permitted_uri_chars config setting. You may get "The URI you submitted has disallowed characters" error if you simply put anything the user enters in the URI.

+2  A: 

There's a better fix if you're dealing with people without JS enabled.


<?php echo form_open('ad/pre_search');?>
   <input type="text" name="keyword" />


    function pre_search()

    function search()
        // do stuff;

I have used this a lot of times before.

Thorpe Obazee
Thorpe - how do you deal with apostrophe's?
You should modify this in the config file: $config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%.:_\-';to$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = '\'a-z 0-9~%.:_\-';
Thorpe Obazee

Here is the best solution:


$pieces = explode("/", $uri);

$uri_3 = $pieces[3];

Thanks erunways!
