



When using SubSonic, do you return the data as a dataset or do you put that in a strongly typed custom collection or a generic object?

I ran through the subsonic project and for the four stored procs I have in my DB, it gave me a Sps.cs with 4 methods which return a StoredProcedure object.

If you used a MVC, do you usually use the StoredProcedure object or wrap that around your business logic and return a dataset, list, collection or something else?

Are datasets still the norm or is that replaced by something else?

+5  A: 

If the results of the stored procedure has the same schema as one of your tables, you can build a collection using this code (SubSonic 2.1):

ProductCollection coll = new ProductCollection();
John Sheehan
+1  A: 

If my stored procedure returns all the fields from one of the tables for which I have a SubSonic object then I do a LoadAndCloseReader on the result of the stored procedure. If my stored procedure returns data that does not match a SubSonic object then I just work with it as a dataset.


my stored procedures return data from a few different tables and the data is massaged a bit too.


Perhaps return a datareader and then iterate it to populate some custom objects. Alternatively the quick and dirty way (since you're not using domain driven design) create a view in the DB with the same structure as the stored proc, then load the result into your ViewObjectCollection similar to John's code.

Steven Quick

You can do data readers, but that's so 1999. Returning objects is a breeze with SubSonic, and easier to use than a data reader. You can retrieve objects like so:

Dim Charts As Generic.List(Of MusicDB.Billboard) = _
    New SubSonic.Select(MusicDB.DB.Repository.Provider, New String() _
    {"Prefix", "Artist", "Track", "ArtistNarrowToken", "TrackNarrowToken", "ArtistId", "TrackId", "TrackYear"}). _
    From(MetadataTagger.MusicDB.Tables.Billboard). _
    Where(MusicDB.Billboard.Columns.ArtistNarrowToken).IsLessThan(10). _
    Or(MusicDB.Billboard.Columns.TrackId).IsNull(). _
    OrderAsc(New String() {"TrackYear"}).ExecuteTypedList(Of MetadataTagger.MusicDB.Billboard)()
Rick Ratayczak
Yikes. How is that easier than a data reader?
Robert S.
it's a lot like link2sql. it "may" not be easier, but it's easier to read, and it's strongly typed.
Rick Ratayczak

ExecuteTypedList<> is your best friend in this case:

IList list=SPs.GetProducts().ExecuteTypedList< Product >();

Rob Conery