




I'm the only developer working in a very small company. I currently use VisualSVN on Windows on my development machine as my VCS. This is problematic because I can't get to my projects outside the IT firewall, and my colleague can't integrate his content into my projects.

We (my PM, who develops content for me) are very interested in a hosted DVCS. My rough requirements would be:

  • Projects can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection
  • Projects can be protected
  • Cost is cheap-or-free

What sort of services do you think would fit?


I use and love Codespaces.com. It's cheap and comes with a great project management dashboard.

Dave Swersky
+1  A: 

If you want to stick with subversion, this site is useful: http://www.svnhostingcomparison.com/

Good point. Needing to get through a firewall is probably the wrong reason to choose to use a DVCS.
Craig McQueen
+1  A: 

Almost all DVCSs have some hosted services available that provide the features you are asking for:

Jörg W Mittag

If you want to try a commercial tool check: plasticscm.com
