




I have seen developers using the below codes quite alternatively. What is the exact difference between these, and which ones go by the standard? Are they same, as Action and Func<T> is a delegate as well:

public event Action<EmployeeEventAgs> OnLeave;
public void Leave()
    OnLeave(new EmployeeEventAgs(this.ID));


public delegate void GoOnLeave(EmployeeEventAgs e);
public event GoOnLeave OnLeave;
public void Leave()
    OnLeave(new EmployeeEventAgs(this.ID));

Yes, Action and Func are simply convenience delegates that have been defined in the 3.5 clr.

Action, Func and lambdas are all just syntactical sugar and convenience for using delegates.

There is nothing magic about them. Several people have written simple 2.0 addon libraries to add this functionality to 2.0 code.

Sky Sanders
+6  A: 

Action<T> is exactly the same as delegate void ... (T t)

Func<T> is exactly the same as delegate T ... ()

Not *exactly the same*... they do have the same signature, but they're not assignment compatible (which IMHO is very unfortunate...)
Thomas Levesque
Does that make them not exactly the same? Are X and Y different here: public delegate void X<T>(T t); public delegate void Y<T>(T t);You cannot assign one to another.
+1  A: 

You may want to look here, seeing what the compiler actually generates for Action is the best description. There's no functional difference in what you wrote, just shorter, more convenient syntax.

Nick Craver

Action is just a shortcut for the full delegate declaration.

public delegate void Action( T obj )


Which one to use would depend on your organizations coding standards/style.

Darryl Braaten
+9  A: 

Fwiw, neither example uses standard .NET conventions. The EventHandler generic should declare the event:

public EventHandler<EmployeeEventArgs> Leave;

The "On" prefix should be reserved for a protected method that raises the event:

protected virtual void OnLeave(EmployeeEventArgs e) {
  var handler = Leave;
  if (handler != null)
    handler(this, e);

You don't have to do it this way, but anybody will instantly recognize the pattern, understand your code and know how to use and customize it.

Hans Passant
This is fine advice, but I don't think it answers the question
+1  A: 

In general, they are equivalent. But in the context of using a delegate for the type of an event, the convention is to use EventHandler (where T inherits EventArgs):

public event EventHandler<EmployeeEventArgs> Left;

public void Leave()

protected virtual void OnLeft(int id)
    if (Left != null) {
        Left(new EmployeeEventArgs(id));
Rafa Castaneda

You could have written these Action and Func generic delegates yourself, but since they're generally useful they wrote them for you and stuck them in .Net libraries.
