




If I have an object with a parent child relationship with Id and ParentId representing the unique Id of the record and the Parent Id of the record.

I need a query that will query a list of objects and return the path to the root of the relationship for each item (i.e. Path = (AllTheParentNames)\ Name ).

Any help with this would be appreciated.


int Id
int? ParentId
string Name
string Path

+3  A: 

I believe this would give you the expected result

        Func<int?, string> GetParents = null;

        List<URClass> lstRoot = new List<URClass>();
        lstRoot.Add(new URClass() { Id = 1, Name = "a", ParentId = null, Path = "1" });
        lstRoot.Add(new URClass() { Id = 2, Name = "b", ParentId = 1, Path = "1" });
        lstRoot.Add(new URClass() { Id = 3, Name = "c", ParentId = 2, Path = "1" });
        lstRoot.Add(new URClass() { Id = 4, Name = "d", ParentId = 3, Path = "1" });
        lstRoot.Add(new URClass() { Id = 5, Name = "e", ParentId = 4, Path = "1" });

        GetParents = i =>
            var str = string.Empty;
            var outt = lstRoot.Where(x => x.Id == i).Select(x=>new {x.Name,x.ParentId });

            foreach (var lst in outt)
                str += lst.Name;
                if (lst.ParentId != null)
                      var outts = GetParents(lst.ParentId);
                      str += "," + outts;
            return str;


        var ks = from p in lstRoot
                 join q in lstRoot on p.Id equals q.ParentId
                 select new { q.Id, parentName = p.Name, parentid=p.Id, gpid=p.ParentId };

        List<string> RelationShip = new List<string>();

        foreach (var lst in ks)
            var str = lst.parentName;
            if (lst.gpid != null)
                 var prnt = GetParents(lst.gpid);
                 if (prnt != null)
                    str += "," + prnt;                   
            str += "/" + lst.Id;

        foreach (var ret in RelationShip)

the output will be





Ramesh Vel
Care to explain why downvoted?
Ramesh Vel
That looks like quite a lot of code to do what I was expecting.
Ramesh Vel

Is this the expected result?

class A
    public int Id;
    public int? ParentId;
    public string Name;

    public static Func<T1, T2> Fix<T1, T2>(Func<Func<T1, T2>, Func<T1, T2>> f)
        return f(x => Fix(f)(x));

    public static string[] GetPaths(A[] array)
        return array.Select(
            Fix<A, string>(self => x => x.ParentId != null ? self(array.First(a => a.Id == x.ParentId.Value)) + "\\" + x.Name : x.Name)

it's impossible to make in single query without recursion (foreach (Aggregate) on array may be good for simulate recursion, but it's stupid)

Fix - is the Fixed point combinator

+1  A: 

First, suppose you have a single node. You wish to get the path to the root.

Let's represent a path to a root as a sequence of nodes.

We can build this write a method that takes an item and a function that identifies the next item, and returns the sequence.

public static IEnumerable<T> Path(T item, Func<T, T> nextItem) where T : class
    T current = item;
    while(current != null)
        yield return current;
        current = nextItem(current);

Now you can write queries on your list of objects.

List<Node> nodes = whatever;
var paths = from node in nodes 
            select Path(node, n=>GetNodeById(n.Parent));

And now you have a sequence of sequences of nodes.

Suppose instead you want a sequence of sequences of strings:

var namePaths = 
    from node in nodes 
    select (from pathElement in Path(node, n=>GetNodeById(n.Parent)) 
            select pathElement.Name);

And so on.

Make sense?

Eric Lippert