Need help defining an expression to capture the four numerics per line that define the lines on a map.
59.684 -4.251 59.575 -5.576
59.575 -5.576 59.437 -6.899
59.437 -6.899 59.27 -8.218
-7.346 23.196 -7.409 23.233
-7.409 23.233 -7.46 23.285
-7.46 23.285 -7.495 23.349
-7.495 23.349 -7.51 23.42
9.172 39.362 9.134 39
9.134 39.288 9.087 39.219
9.087 39.219 9.032 39.155
9.032 39.155 8.97 39.099
8.97 39.099 8.901 39