I need a small and full-featured (by adding portable apps) windows ...
For now, I just make a 5Gb partition, install FLP that take 2Gb and add drivers/ext reader/portable apps (in /home on archlinux lxde) ...
I know that n-lite and other could compare with FLP and FLP still has some issues from where I need to get files for my xp virtual machine ...
I don't want something totaly not supported or illegal, it's for a thin-station on my office (net top) and for a netbook, I will not need more than this basic hardware ...
Please understand that it's mostly for my basics need, having a decent and not bloated windows just in case as I mostly use linux and won't switch to windows again, I keep windows for basic gaming sometimes but I prefer my game consoles the rest of the time ...
Basic requirements without modding with nlite:
Windows 2000 Professional 133 MHz 32 MB 650 MB
Windows XP 233 MHz 64 MB 1.5 GB
Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs 233 MHz 64 MB 500 MB HD
how would compare with: