



I have some data in the first columns, some calculated fields right afterwards and I want to autofill the rest of the rows with the same rules that are in the first row.

The total number of rows, number of columns for input/calculated data are known and I would appreciate a working example for this data:

  |  A  |  B  |    C   |    D   |      E     |
1 |  3  |  1  | =A1+B1 | =A1*B1 | =sum(C1:D1)|
2 |  4  |  4  |        |        |            |
3 |  5  | 23  |        |        |            |
4 | 42  |  4  |        |        |            |
5 |  7  |  4  |        |        |            |

The real data usually has 10K+ rows and 30+ columns. When I'm trying to do it manually sometimes getting the error Selection is too large. I'm telling this because the general solution might not work using VBA either, but if I know how to autofill this example, I'll do it per column if necessary. Version of Excel is 2000 and it's not my fault :)


Following is how I did it, when I did it :)


This seems to me to be the most efficient way. Nothing prevents you from wrapping this into a macro and assign a convenient key-binding.

Lakshman Prasad
I know how to solve the problem with many different ways.. but usually it's not me who has to deal with these files. I want a general solution and a working example using VBA code for the above input data. Using hardcoded values for rows/columns.
+1  A: 

Rudimentary, but it should give you something to build upon and it works in Excel 2003 (the oldest I have).

Option Explicit

Public Sub CopyFormulaeExample()

    On Error GoTo Handle_Exception

    Dim lastRow As Long
    Dim wrkSheet As Excel.Worksheet

    'Book and sheet names hard-coded for this example
    Set wrkSheet = Application.Workbooks("Book1").Worksheets("Sheet1")

    'Get the index of the last row used
    lastRow = wrkSheet.UsedRange.End(xlDown).Row

    'Copy the cells containing the formulae; also hard-coded for this example
    'Paste the selection to the range of interest
    Range("C2:E" + CStr(lastRow)).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll

    'Alternative approach
    Range("C1:E1").Copy Range("C2:E" + CStr(lastRow))

    'Release memory and exit method
    Set wrkSheet = Nothing
    Exit Sub


    Set wrkSheet = Nothing
    MsgBox "An error has been found: " + Err.Description

End Sub
This also looks very nice and I'll try it as well.
This is also works.. but there can be only one ;)
No problem whatsoever. Beware of the hard-coded "a65000" though; I could be wrong but I think this won't work in all cases. In 2003 the max number of rows is 65,536 (not 65,000) and, in 2007, over a million.
Thanks d. I know where is my last row so I don't have to worry about it. At the end I had to use a for loop for columns cause on the actual document Ì was getting the `Selection is too large`.

Using the copy down (ctrl-D) function.

Select Cells c1-e1 and then all the way down (if you have 10,000 rows of data, your selected cell range is c1-e10000).

Press Ctrl-D.

This copies the cell contents (your formulas) to all of the cells below it.

Curtis Patrick
I know how to do it manually.. that's not my question!
Your original post didn't state how you were doing it manually, so I tried to provide you an alternative solution that would not require you to include VBA code with each revision on your document.Sorry my suggestion wasn't helpful.
Curtis Patrick
+1  A: 
sub copydown()
    Range("c1:e" & Range("a65000").End(xlUp).Row).FillDown
end sub
This looks promising but I have to try at work tomorrow to make sure.
it works ! 8-))