I am running the free version of Helicon ISAPI Rewrite on IIS and have several sites running through the same set of rewrite rules. Up 'til now this has been fine as all the rules have applied to all the sites. I have recently added a new site which I don't want to run through all the rules. Is there any way to make requests to this site break out of the rule set after it's executed its own rules.
I've tried the following with no luck; all requests to mysite.com result in a 404. I guess what I'm looking for is a rule that does nothing and is marked as the last rule to execute [L].
## New site rule for mysite.com only
RewriteCond Host: (?:www\.)?mysite\.com
RewriteRule /content([\w/]*) /content.aspx?page=$1 [L]
## Break out of processing for all other requests to mysite.com
RewriteCond Host: (?:www\.)?mysite\.com
RewriteRule (.*) - [L]
## Rules for all other sites
RewriteRule ^/([^\.\?]+)/?(\?.*)?$ /$1.aspx$2 [L]