




I am looking for a good book on HTML5. I am in particular interested in things like AppCache, Canvas, and the new video tag.

Thank you very much for your help

+1  A: 

Pro HTML5 Programming: Powerful APIs for Richer Internet Application Development


What you’ll learn

* How the HTML5 specification has evolved
* How to design, develop, and run cutting-edge real-time web applications using new HTML5 features like WebSockets, server-sent events, cross-document messaging, geo location, storage, canvas, and video
* Which features are available in browsers today and how you can run your applications in older browsers that do not support HTML5 features
* How to use client-side APIs to communicate directly with back-end systems such as messaging systems, JMS brokers, XMPP servers, and online services such as Google Wave

Who is this book for?

This book is for developers who want to use the latest cutting-edge technology available in current browsers; developers who want to create dynamic, data-driven web applications; and developers who want to know which HTML5 features are supported in current browsers.

Stewie Griffin
From Amazon: This title has not yet been released.
And coying the amazon article into SO is hardly a good answer.
are u pissed that I pasted a short description from Amazon or u are proud that u found out it? because personally I think, that a small book description, like content or smth else, even it is copied and pasted from any other source, is useful. And yes, this book is not released yet, but it sounds promising.
Stewie Griffin
+1 for pasting a brief description from amazon, but reference quites next time :)
+2  A: 

HTML 5 is not yet finalized - from the current spec page:

Implementors should be aware that this specification is not stable.

Which is also why there are no books about HTML 5 quite yet. Amazon expects the first ones to come in around June 2010.

From experience, the O'reilly one or the APress one will be good ones.

+12  A: 

As Oded said, the spec isn't final, so there are no books out yet.

However, the work-in-progress/online version of "HTML5: Up and Running" is available here: http://diveintohtml5.org/

Kelly Clowers

"Which is also why there are no books about HTML 5 quite yet. Amazon expects the first ones to come in around June 2010."

Not quite true, HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference, 5th edition, published in late Jan covers everything that was in last call Oct for release draft. The book however is also not silly enough to just solely talk about HTML5, it covers XHTML1.1, HTML4, CSS2 and 3, etc. as well since the old continues.

As the author I was on the WhatWG list for the year or so following along and trying to juggle the changes that flew furiously until September 09. List traffic suggests we are pretty solid now, though consider that only select elements are implemented though interestingly with shim scripts you can use the new semantic elements like section, nav, header, etc. now as well as data- attributes and all sorts of interesting stuff. Sharp eye folks might have noticed that Google even flipped its doctype on their homepage to show support for HTML5...so despite finalization exploration can begin.

BTW really for what many people are talking about with HTML5 you need to have strong JavaScript experience as well, it will be curious how books are going to handle the two topics together in a reasonable manner with any depth.

Thomas Powell

"Deploying HTML5" is the worlds first book which is available on HTML5 with very comprehensive coverage there is a PDF download link available. http://adityayadav.com/DeployingHTML5.aspx will be available on kindle in 2 days and on Amazon.com (paperback) in 2 weeks.

+2  A: 

I just ordered HTML 5 for Web Designers that was recommended at a 37signals blog post entry. Seems to be a compact introduction to HTML5 for a very reasonable price. And it's available very soon.

I would recommend this book. As many have mentioned, the spec isn't final, and this book is well aware of that fact. It will give you an extensive understanding of HTML5 without bogging you down with details that are likely to change in subsequent amendments to the specification.
David Foster

I found some of the best HTML5 books at Amazon and organized them in a set at here: http://www.kavoir.com/2010/07/best-and-newest-html-5-books-and-some-css3-books.html


The HTML5 book by Jeremy Keith is supposed to be great.

+1  A: 

HTML5 for Web Designers by Jeremy Keith is indeed a very good book to start with. I wrote a short review of it.

Introducing HTML5 by Bruce Lawson and Remy Sharp is also excellent, and more for developers. I'm currently going through it.

update I've now finished this book and can truly say that it's well worth the read for what you want. Highly recommended. I've posted a review on Introducing HTML5 on my website. Feel free to have a read.

Ian Devlin

Check HTML5 designing rich internet applications by Matthew David HTML5 for Web Designers by Jeremy Keith and lot more resources on web.
