



I have a virtualenv, isolated (no-site-packages) from system site-packages.

I have a buildout project with following cfg:

parts = 
develop = .
eggs = myproject      #no effect for now

The myproject code for is here:


I am carrying out activities inside the virtualenv.

To make myproject available to virtualenv, I had to do:

(env_name)$ add2virtualenv /home/user/buildout_top_folder/src/

Is there a better method? If in future, I install new eggs in buildout, I will have to add them manually.

One thing I can think of is to add all of following using add2virtualenv :


Is there an established solution for this?

I know I can install a interpreter inside bin/ using zc.recipe.egg, but I prefer virtualenv option for now.

Another Way: How do i tell buildout to use a particular interpreter?

i haven't been able to find something that will tell buildout in cfg, interpreter = [path-to-interpreter]

Even if I run and bin/buildout under virtualenv, buildout does not put subsequent installed eggs on virtualenv's search path.

It should do so because it uses setuptools.