are there any or any alternatives available ?
it has no downloads or any other info
2010-02-19 16:53:42
Keep an eye on that site. I've not found anything else unfortunately, but if I do I'll update here.
2010-02-19 17:00:28
Just get the files from the source trunk. The source code that I checked in is pretty functional. It allows you to run the SQL and gets the DataReader back.
I didn't work on that code for a while but if you need it I can probably find the latest version that I didn't check in that had few more fixes and a bulk copy interface similar to SqlBulkCopy.
Boris Gertsberg
2010-03-13 05:58:13
I use the OBDC client that supplies. It seems to be as fast as one could want, as all the grunt work is done on the monet server (although I haven't benchmarked it).
2010-04-02 20:42:47