



What is the difference between a user control and a windows form in Visual Studio - C#?


A windows form is a container for user controls.

so is a user control!
Dave Markle
how do you put a form into a user control!?
you can't, but you sure can put a user control in a user control.
Dave Markle
@Dave - You can, actually. See my post.
Hans Passant
+4  A: 

Put very simply:

User controls are a way of making a custom, reusable component. A user control can contain other controls but must be hosted by a form.

Windows forms are the container for controls, including user controls. While it contains many similar attributes as a user control, it's primary purpose is to host controls.

+4  A: 

They have a lot in common, they are both derived from ContainerControl. UserControl however is designed to be a child window, it needs to be placed in a container. Form was designed to be a top-level window without a parent.

You can actually turn a Form into a child window by setting its TopLevel property to false:

public partial class Form1 : Form {
    public Form1() {
        var child = new Form2();
        child.TopLevel = false;
        child.Location = new Point(10, 5);
        child.Size = new Size(100, 100);
        child.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
        child.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
        child.Visible = true;
Hans Passant
But you really should avoid doing so, IMO. :)
Dave Markle