



I got this error Response object error 'ASP 0156 : 80004005'

Header Error

/ordermgmt/updateorderstatus.asp, line 1390

The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content.

I put Response.Buffer=true; Stilll it is showing error.

I have put reponse,Redirect @ this line number and that will be executed a number of times (it is in a loop).,After the first iteration it is showing this error


The first Response.Redirect changes the headers (and probably forces a Flush, because with a redirect, there can be no content).

The second Response.Redirect changes the headers again (probably to the same thing, but that doesn't matter, as the header were written during the Flush())

James Curran
+1  A: 

Check that you're not outputting anything at all - even a blank line before your start ASP tag will cause this problem.

Nothing is there,In the first line itself ,it is setting the Response,Buffer to true
+1  A: 

Yes buddies, Its Fixed.Before Response.Buffer ,i included another file.Now i changed it to below the Response.Buffer=True line .Its working now .Thanks