




I have a page where I am displaying a list of users and next to each user - there is "Add as Friend" link.

Now when a user clicks this "Add as Friend" link - I want to call Jquery and submit that request to the backend PHP.

Typically my experience with Jquery involves having a single form in the page and submitting that form via Jquery - Each form has an ID - Using that ID I call the submit function $("#invite_form").submit(function() - I access the form elements this way var emailval = $("#emails").val();

But now here I dont have a form and this friends list is being generated in a loop. So here are the doubts that I have

1) Do I need to create a unique id in the loop for each a href tag

2) How do I change this $("#invite_form").submit(function() - Will it become ("#ahref1").click(function() where ahref1 is the unique id of the href tag

3) How do I access the friend_id field in Jquery function which is present in the href value something like href="/action?friend_id=32"

Not sure if I'm going on the right track Thanks

+1  A: 

You can submit to a back-end script using $.post() or $.get() in jQuery

An example:

  var this_friend_id = $(this).prev('input.friend_id').val();
  // Assuming that you store the id in a hidden input field like <input type="hidden" class="friend_id" val="32" /> which is defined just before the a href.
  $.get('/action', {
     friend_id: this_friend_id
    }, function(data){
       // callback after the ajax request
       alert("The response is : "+data);

This should solve the problem.

Thanks GeekTantra - but how do I handle the different ahref id'sLike I said - these are being generated in the loop - so there will be 10 different rows. Now even if I create a unique id for each ahref tag - I will need to create 10 different functions like $("#ahref1").click(function() $("#ahref2").click(function() $("#ahref3").click(function() $("#ahref4").click(function()Similar issue I will have with the input field with friend idThanks
I'll add a comment rather than my own answer, since GeekTantra almost has it perfect. The magic of jQuery is that a selector can match multiple elements, so a single click function can serve for all of your links. Note that the ID doesn't appear inside GeekTantra's function -- it just uses "this" to know which link was clicked. So if you change "$("#ahref1")" at the beginning of that code to "$("id^='ahref'")" the click function will apply to any element whose id starts with "ahref", and it should work for all of your links.
Thankyou for sharing that information

1) No, you don't. You can always create a jquery loop, with .each(), and customize your script like

    $('#friend_list a').each(function () {
        // Point to current <a>
        var $this = $(this);
        // ... your code for each a in your list

2) You can change the submit function like

    $('#friend_list a').each(function () {
        var $this = $(this);
        // Save current href
        var href = $this.attr('href');
        // When user click
        $ {
            // Doesn't follow the href path
            // ... your custom operation here

3) You can use regex

    $('#friend_list a').each(function () {
        var $this = $(this);
        var href = $this.attr('href');
        $ {
            // Assuming your link is in form "/action?friend_id=32"
            var re = new RegExp("\d+");
            var id = re.exec(href);
            // I prefer AJAX method, this is just a sample, to complete
                   { friend_id: id }, 
                   function(data) {
                      // ... result here
Sig. Tolleranza
Your code example worked perfectly for my needsThankyou so much for taking the time to put that up Appreciate it
You're welcome.
Sig. Tolleranza