




I have a A.swf which loads B.swf onto a movieclip and needs to pass it some FlashVars. When loading B.swf with html, I can pass FlashVars fine. When passing from A.swf, it gets a

Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: file:

The code in A.swf is

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("B.swf");

var variables : URLVariables = new URLVariables();
variables.xml = "test.xml";

// This line causes the error 2044, else B.swf loads fine with FlashVars = variables;

loader.load (request); 

In B.swf, it is checking the Flashvars like so. It works fine from html side


you can add the flash vars into the URI when you are loading it

URLRequest(String("B.swf" + "?myvar=45"));

the problem is that when you loaded the string in the uri, it is put inside an Object loaderInfo.parameters so if you want to pass those parameters, you need to create a string to pass these into.

here's a script from that shows how to convert that into a string array again

//:: Store loader info
var lInfo:Object = this.root.loaderInfo.parameters;
//:: Flashvars
var fVars:String = "?whee=nada"; //:: Getting the syntax change (? --> &) out of the way with a dummy var

//:: Set path + data
for (var flashVar in lInfo)
    fVars += "&" + flashVar + "=" + lInfo[flashVar];

var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(String("/myPath.swf" + fVars));
Thanks, but I forgot to mention, I have tried that too and it gives the same error.I saw a page mentioned because passing FlashVars cannot work with local swf, is that the problem?
I see no reason for that not working, but you can try "sandboxing" the permissions for the folder it is in.

How do I sandbox the permissions? I tried adding the folder via the settings, but that didn't work too.

I made a simple as new project. This is the complete code.

var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip ();

var loader:Loader = new Loader ();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, OnComplete);

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("B.swf"); 

var variables : URLVariables = new URLVariables(); 
variables.xml = "test2.xml"; 

// This line causes the error 2044, if i comment out, it runs fine without FlashVars = variables; 

loader.load (request);  

function OnComplete (e:Event)
    trace ("On Complete");
    mc = e.currentTarget.content as MovieClip;
    addChild (mc);
I found what's the problem. It works if I run the swf in the normal flash player, but not the debug version when I launch from editor with Ctrl+Enter. But I cannot debug anymore hmmm..
trace (Security.sandboxType), gives me localTrusted. I added Security.allowInsecureDomain("*") but still no go.