



We would like to use balloon messages as described in the UX Guide from Microsoft. I found some samples which uses native code from Windows Forms, but the native code requires a handle to the component which a bit difficult for a WPF application since it doesn't follow the same concept.

I found some sample code which uses WPF's decorator mechanism, but I'm still not convinced that this is the easiest approach for WPF application. Could a possible implementation be to implement a decorator around a tooltip?

The concrete case I have is a form with several text boxes which need input validation and notification on possible wrong input values - something which seems appropriate for balloon messages.

Is there a commercial or open source control built for this use case under WPF that I should be aware of?

+1  A: 

The UX Guide points out that the differences between a balloon and a tool tip are:

  • Balloons can be displayed independently of the current pointer location, so they have a tail that indicates their source.

  • Balloons have a title, body text, and an icon.

  • Balloons can be interactive, whereas it is impossible to click on a tip.

That last is the only sticking point as far as WPF is concerned. If you need the user to be able to interact with the contents of the balloon, then it'll need to be a Popup, not a ToolTip. (You might benefit from this forum post if you go that route.)

But if all you're doing is displaying notifications, you can certainly use a ToolTip. You don't need to mess around with decorators either; just build a control template for the ToolTip that looks like what you want, create a ToolTip resource that uses that style, and set the target control's ToolTip property to that ToolTip. Use the ToolTipService to control where it displays relative to the placement target.

Robert Rossney
Challenge is to trigger the ToolTip to show up when the cursor isn't over the field. I abandoned this solution. Thinking of a specific AdornerLayer which is more visual than the regular red border
I was also thinking about implementing it as a custom adorner implementation as the Validation.ErrorTemplate ControlTemplate, but not sure how to tackle it.
+1  A: 

In our application we've implemented balloons as a simple WPF Window. The Window location is bounded to some of the parent control model properties. Here's a sample code (where BalloonContainerWindow inherits from Window):

        BaloonContainterWindow newBalloon = new BaloonContainterWindow();
        newBalloon.CreateBaloon(balloonType, balloonData);

        // Allow input and output when theis window is on top of winforms window
        SetBalloonLocation(newBalloon, sequenceId, stepId, rulerModel);

        newBalloon.CloseOnDeactivation = false;
Amittai Shapira
Is it possible to add some simplified sample code to this post?
+1  A: 

I ended up putting a TextBlock in the adorner layer:

<Setter Property="Validation.ErrorTemplate">
            <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
                    <AdornedElementPlaceholder  x:Name="adorner"/>
                    Height="20" Margin="10 0" Style="{StaticResource NormalColorBoldWeightSmallSizeTextStyle}"
                    Text="{Binding ElementName=adorner, Path=AdornedElement.(Validation.Errors)[0].ErrorContent}"/>

I also used the tooltip as shown in every WPF examples out there:

    <Trigger Property="Validation.HasError" Value="True">
        <Setter Property="ToolTip"
                Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=(Validation.Errors)[0].ErrorContent}">

Not optimal (would really like a Balloon Message control), but works good enough for the need we have.
