2 times out of 10, i will get a 404 response code when i run the code below. can someone please give me some hint why i even get a 404? if i'm missing a command that could prevent a 404 from happening, please point that out. the end goal is to get an image from a remote server and place it in a Bitmap object. nothing complicated. also, i get the same results if i use the ".GET" request method or not. When i was working with BB JRE 4.6, i was using the ConnectionDescriptor and ConnectionFactory objects and i NEVER got a 404. but since i have to develop my code for JRE 4.3, i can't use them since obviously they don't exist in 4.3. btw, MDS is running and i perform these 10 tests one after another. Many thanks. Cheers!!!
HttpConnection httpConnection = null;
Bitmap bmpImageRetrieved = null;
DataInputStream dis = null;
httpConnection = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(uri, Connector.READ);
httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Accept","image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif");
int responseCode = httpConnection.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK)
int intResponseLength = (int) httpConnection.getLength();
if (intResponseLength > 0)
byte[] bData = new byte[intResponseLength];
dis = httpConnection.openDataInputStream();
bmpImageRetrieved = Bitmap.createBitmapFromBytes(bData, 0, intResponseLength, 1);
throw new Exception("The length of the response is less than zero.");
throw new Exception("Response code is not good. ResponseCode: "+ responseCode);
catch(Exception exc)
throw new Exception("Unexpected error received: "+ exc.toString());
if (dis != null)
dis = null;
if (httpConnection != null)
httpConnection = null;
return (bmpImageRetrieved == null ? Bitmap.getBitmapResource("nopic.jpg") : bmpImageRetrieved);