



I understand that I need to figure out my own homework, but seeing that noone in the class can figure it out, I need some help.

Write a Prolog program such that p(X) is true if X is a list consisting of n a's followed by n+1 b's, for any n >= 1.

+1  A: 

You should use a counter to keep track of what you have found so far. When you find an b, add one to the counter. When you find a a, subtract one. The final value of your counter after the whole list is traversed should be one, since you want the number of b's to be 1 more than the number of a's. Here's an example of how to write that in code:

% When we see an "a" at the head of a list, we decrement the counter.
validList([a|Tail], Counter) :-
  NewCounter is Counter - 1,
  validList(Tail, NewCounter).

% When we see an "b" at the head of a list, we increment the counter.
validList([b|Tail], Counter) :-
  NewCounter is Counter + 1,
  validList(Tail, NewCounter).

% When we have been through the whole list, the counter should be 1.
validList([], 1).

% Shortcut for calling the function with a single parameter.
p(X) :-
  validList(X, 0).

Now, this will do almost what you want - it matches the rules for all n >= 0, while you want it for all n >= 1. In typical homework answer fashion, I've left that last bit for you to add yourself.

Max Shawabkeh
thanks, the homework was already due, I just wanted to know how to do it. My class is on Principles of Programming Languages, so we are being taught on things like Prolog and Ada but not being taught the language so it's kind of up to us to learn. So thank you!
+1  A: 

I don't remember how to code this in Prolog, but the idea is this:

First rule: If list has only size 3, check if first item is an A and second,third are Bs. If not, return false, else true (size 3 because n >= 1).

Second rule: Check if the first item in the list is an A and the last one is a B. If this is true, recursively use the same code for elements 2 to n-1.

If i understood your problem correctly that should be the perfect Prolog style solution.

George B.
This is a great answer. It leaves out some cases, such as lists less than 2 characters long. Adding the clauses for 0- and 1-item lists would make this answer the "perfect Prolog-style solution."
Heath Hunnicutt
Yes, I forgot to add those rules. Thanks for telling me that, I will edit it in my post later (have to leave now).
George B.
Problem here is that checking the last item of a linked list is an O(n) operation, which is slow and does not have natural syntax. It is more in line with the logical declarative style, but unfortunately in this particular case it's not something that Prolog encourages.
Max Shawabkeh

Here is my abstruse solution


n(L, N) -->
    {N1 #= N-1
    !, n(L, N1).
n(_, 0) --> [], !.

ab -->
    n(a, N),
    {N1 is N + 1
    n(b, N1).

p(X) :- phrase(ab, X).

test :-
    \+ p([a]),
    \+ p([a,b]),
    \+ p([a,a,b,b]),
    \+ p([a,b,b,c]).


 ?- [ab].
% ab compiled 0.00 sec, -36 bytes

 ?- test.