



I'm trying to draw a line on top of an existing control but it blends the colors together. All I find is tutorial on how to make fancy blending mode but all I want is draw a solid color line over my controls but even the solidColorBrush doesn't behave like I want.


Are you setting an Opacity setting on your brushes?

Edit I had a bit of a look and apparently Opacity seems to be cumulative as you inherit through controls.

See this link, where he applies opacity to both the button content and the button itself. Can you follow the advice of the SO link you posted to remove the opacity on a parent object?

Leigh Shayler
Yes opacity="1" but it has no effect. It seems like it draws at opacity 0.5 even though it's set at 1. I also tried to remove OpacityMask but with no success.
Can the brush inherit opacity from it's parent container?Like explained here: