Can i apply SUM()
within an ISNULL()
.... Consider my following sql server select statement
SELECT e.Emp_Id,e.Identity_No,e.Emp_Name,case WHEN e.SalaryBasis=1
THEN 'Weekly' ELSE 'Monthly' end as SalaryBasis,e.FixedSalary,
ISNULL(Adv.Daily_Wage,0) as Advance from Employee as e
inner join Designation as d on e.Desig_Id=d.Desig_Id
Left Outer Join Payroll as Adv on e.Emp_Id=Adv.Emp_Id where e.Is_Deleted=0
This Statement Works fine.... But when i apply SUM()
within an ISNULL()
SELECT e.Emp_Id,e.Identity_No,e.Emp_Name,case WHEN e.SalaryBasis=1
THEN 'Weekly' ELSE 'Monthly' end as SalaryBasis,e.FixedSalary,
ISNULL(SUM(Adv.Daily_Wage),0) as Advance from Employee as e
inner join Designation as d on e.Desig_Id=d.Desig_Id
Left Outer Join Payroll as Adv on e.Emp_Id=Adv.Emp_Id
where e.Is_Deleted=0
I got the error,
Column 'Employee.Emp_Id' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
Any suggestion....