+2  A: 

If multiple threads are invoking the function DoStuff this will mean that the initialization code

if (mappedChars.empty())

can enter a race condition. This means thread 1 enters the function, finds the map empty and begins filling it. Thread 2 then enters the function and finds the map non-empty (but not completely initialized) so merrily begins reading it. Because both threads are now in contention, but one is modifying the map structure (i.e inserting nodes), undefined behaviour (a crash) will result.

If you use a synchronization primitive prior to checking the map for empty(), and released after the map is guaranteed to have been completely initialized, all will be well.

I had a look via Google and indeed static initialization is not thread safe. Thus the declaration static mappedChars is immediately an issue. As others have mentioned it would be best if your initialization was done when only 1 thread is guaranteed to be active for the life time of initialization.

Note that the writing thread hasn't started filling it at all yet. It throws on the first line of operator[]. As far as I know, lower_bound doesn't change the contents of the map.
What are the other threads doing, are any others accessing this shared variable also? I don't recall if the code inserted by the compiler for static variables is thread safe itself.
+3  A: 

mappedChars is static so it's shared by all the threads that execute DoStuff(). That alone could be your problem.

If you have to use a static map, then you may need to protect it with a mutex or critical section.

Personally, I think using a map for this purpose is overkill. I would write a helper function that takes a char and subtracts '0' from it. You won't have any thread safety issues with a function.

Tim Stewart
+5  A: 

Given an address of "4", Likely the "this" pointer is null or the iterator is bad. You should be able to see this in the debugger. If this is null, then the problem isn't in that function but who ever is calling that function. If the iterator is bad, then it's the race condition you alluded to. Most iterators can't tolerate the list being updated.

Okay wait - No FM here. Static's are initialized on first use. The code that does this is not multi-thread safe. one thread is doing the initialization while the 2nd thinks it's already been done but it's still in progress. The result is that is uses an uninitialized variable. You can see this in the assembly below:

static x y;
004113ED  mov         eax,dword ptr [$S1 (418164h)] 
004113F2  and         eax,1 
004113F5  jne         wmain+6Ch (41141Ch) 
004113F7  mov         eax,dword ptr [$S1 (418164h)] 
004113FC  or          eax,1 
004113FF  mov         dword ptr [$S1 (418164h)],eax 
00411404  mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],0 
0041140B  mov         ecx,offset y (418160h) 
00411410  call        x::x (4111A4h) 
00411415  mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],0FFFFFFFFh

The $S1 is set to 1 when it init's. If set, (004113F5) it jumps over the init code - freezing the threads in the fnc won't help because this check is done on entry to a function. This isn't null, but one of the members is.

Fix by moving the map out of the method and into the class as static. Then it will initialize on startup. Otherwise, you have to put a CR around the calls do DoStuff(). You can protect from the remaining MT issues by placing a CR around the use of the map itself (e.g. where DoStuff uses operator[]).

Tony Lee
You mean the map's this pointer? The map is static, and it is never changed outside of the for loop.
Yes, that's what it looks like. But I agree that makes no sense if the only access of the map is mappedChars[c]. The iterator could be what's null caused by the race conditions - an iterator returned, the map updated by another thread making it invalid.
Tony Lee
@me.yahoo.com: one problem is that the static map needs to get constructed. Thread A comes along and starts constructing it, but before that is done, thread B comes along, thinks it's constructed and start using it. Bam. Another scenario is that different threads think they need to construct. Bam.
Michael Burr
Agreed, another scenario is it gets constructed twice.
Tony Lee
+1  A: 

When you get into multi-threading, there's usually too much going on to pinpoint the exact spot where things are going bad, since it will always be changing. There are a ton of spots where using a static map in a multithreaded situation could go bad.

See this thread for some of the ways to guard a static variable. Your best bet would probably be to call the function once before starting up multiple threads to initialize it. Either that, or move the static map out, and create a separate initialization method.


Are you ever calling operator[] with an argument that's not in the range 0..9? If so, then you are inadvertently modifying the map, which is likely causing badness to happen in other threads. If you call operator[] with an argument not already in the map, it inserts that key into the map with a value equal to the default value of the value type (0 in the case of int).

Adam Rosenfield