




My personal definition of a "short" programming book is a book with less than ~500 pages, but YMMV. So if you have a different definition of a short book, feel free to post. If you can, please post the number of pages of the book you are recommending. General programming books and books about a specific area of programming are both welcome.

A good example: The C Programming Language - 274 pages

A bad example: Any of the "Learn to do X in Y hours/days" types of books.

+4  A: 

Books cannot be judged by the count of pages. Some say a lot with little words... Another say nothing with 1000 pages. Also it depends on what topic they're. Some areas has more to say..., other - less. General programming book could include much more info, compared to a book for very specific and narrowed knowledge.

And what is the purpose of this question anyway ? I don't think counting pages is a good measure of quality !

He never said anything about judging a book by its page count. In fact, he explicitly kept them separate: he wants good *and* short. (If he'd asked for, oh, a good WWII book, he wouldn't be saying anything about the inherent quality of books about WWII, but simply that he wants something in the intersection of those two sets.)
But what is trying to be measured with the amount of pages ... I don't think this is objective criteria for measuring whatever it is.
What he is trying to measure is books that are able to present important ideas (in the scope of programming) without a waste of pages/time.
but this is highly subjective, different ideas will take different amount of pages/time to be properly presented.
anthares: Aren't *all* book recommendation questions here subjective? I would be very curious to see objective testing of computer science books ("68% of people who read this book were then able to write a correct FizzBuzz!"?), but I would also be very surprised if anybody had ever actually done that.
+1  A: 

Two excellent books for getting to the "meta" of programming, The C Programming Language by K&R, and Advanced Programing in the Unix Environment by Stevens.

Ed Griebel
Beau Martínez
+1 for The C Programming Language, at 274 pages, but -1 for APITUE, which weighs in at 768 pages.
Robert Harvey


An excellent book, but according to AMZN, it's 657 pages. :-)
But is reads like a short book...

This list might a bit too long for you, but the Fogcreek software reading list is full of must read programming books like "Code complete" and "Pragmatic programmer"

Edit: Here the list http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/FogCreekMBACurriculum.html

Another good one: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2004/02/recommended-reading-for-developers.html


You're question is a bit open-ended but I like Hello, World by Sande for beginning programming. I also like C# in Depth by this fellow named Skeet that has been known to stop by SO once in awhile.

I don't judge books by their page count (or cover, for that matter). I think you need to be more clear about what you are looking for.

+1  A: 

Programming Pearls

256 pages, according to Amazon. Awesome, I never noticed that before! I wonder if it was on purpose?


Programming Pearls cover Programming Pearls

Jonathan Feinberg
+1  A: 

The Mythical Man Month - its a quick read, but oh so important. (Originally under 200 pages, I think. 300 pages now).

alt text

Ed Schembor
+1  A: 

This is one of my favourites...

The Art of Unit Testing by Roy Osherove http://www.manning.com/osherove/ 320 pages

alt text

Aim Kai

AMOP is one of the best I've ever read. At 345 pages, I'm not sure I'd consider it "short", but it does meet your qualification.

K&R is a perfectly competent description of C, but AMOP will warp your mind, when you finally get what they're doing.

+2  A: 

JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford. Excellent, very short and very much to the point.


Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change by Kent Beck with Cynthia Andres. 224 pages.


Not a book, but I recommend Havoc's Free Software UI, especially the section "The Question of Preferences".

Despite the name, it's not really exclusive to free software, though it uses that for most of its examples.
