



I got a view List.aspx that is bound to the class Kindergarten

In the controller:

public ActionResult List(int Id)
  Kindergarten k = (from k1 in _kindergartensRepository.Kindergartens
                    where k1.Id == Id
                    select k1).First();

  return View(k);

That works.

But this doesn't

public ActionResult Add(...)
  Kindergarten k = ...
  return RedirectToAction("List", k);

How should I redirect to the list view, passing k as the model?


+2  A: 

I'm not sure you want to call RedirectToAction because that will just cause k to be set again.

I think you want to call View and pass in the name of the view and your model.

return View("List", k);
You're right (_ _;)Thanks!
Oh but what if the view is on another controller?
When its looking for a View, it'll check the View\Controller\ folder, if it doesn't find it there, it checks the Shared folder. If you want to access a view across multiple controllers, put it in the Shared folder.
Also, I haven't tested this, but I suppose you could also try giving it a direct path: return View("~/Views/Controller/List.ascx"). Although I believe using the shared folder is preferable.
+1  A: 

I don't believe ModelBinding exists when using RedirectToAction. Your best options, however, is to use the TempData collection to store the object, and retrieve it in the following action.

public ActionResult Add(...)
  Kindergarten k = ...
  TempData["KG"] = k;
  return RedirectToAction("List");

In your List Action

public ActionResult List()

   Kindergarten k = (Kindergarten)TempData["KG"];
   // I assume you need to do some stuff here with the object, 
   // otherwise this action would be a waste as you can do this in the Add Action
  return View(k);

Note: TempData collection only holds object for a single subsequent redirect. Once you make any redirect from Add, TempData["KG"] will be null (unless you repopulate it)


As Brandon said, you probably want to use return View("List", Id) instead, but the problem you're having is that you're passing k, your model, to a method that accepts an int as its parameter.

Think of RedirectToAction as a method call.

Daniel T.
+1  A: 

I think you just need to call view like

return RedirectToAction("List", new {id});

with id you need to populate the Kindergarten.
