



Im deploying my website onto my new server (windows 2003) from my local pc (windows 7) and my local homeserver (windows 2008) and have run in to a issue.

I have a process that starts up with the below code. It is passed a video file which gets converted.

System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(Command, Parameters);  

Them problem I have is on my new windows 2003 server it fails to work. No error or anything. Looking at the server and its taskmgr.exe I see the Process start but nothing happens.

Looking into it, everyone seems to say I need to have impersonate="true" in the webconfig which I do have, I currently have it set to the Administrator account which I use to log into remote desktop (I assume this is fine???)

<identity impersonate="true" userName="Administrator" password="********" />  

This still doesn't work.. Looking in the taskmgr.exe the process is started with the username ="NETWORK SERVICE" ...

Any ideas???

+1  A: 

A concrete solution i can't provide, but maybe this can help:

  • Take a low level look with Process Monitor to find if it is security related (missing permissions etc.)
  • Build a Debug Version of your programm and insert some Debug.Print() statements to narrow the problem. These messages can be seen bei Debug Viewer.
  • Maybe it's a problem with a wrong or missing assembly. To find these problem take a look into the Fusion Log Viewer.

Maybe one of these techniques will help you to tackle down your problem.
