





I have found an interesting application on the net and i am using it for my end year study project. http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~sjeh3/wii/ the video in the link explains my goal. But i am having issue using it. the example of rendering the trajectory on a 3d axis is using Corba (omniorb) and i believe open inventor. but there isn't any idl file. and i don't know if it's possible to use it. My question is : Is it possible to render a 3d real time graphics using a lib in c++ making it easy and fast to implement? i tried using matlab engine or matlab simulation with tcpip communication but i am having issues with these technics so i am searching for another way. Does anybody have an idea ? sincerely, Hugo

+2  A: 

Take a look at OpenGL.


You might also look at SDL (which uses OpenGL).

Edit (re: comments) For the plotting aspect, you could look at VTK and/or MayaVI (which puts a Python scripting wrapper around VTK).

i took a look but there isn't any real lib for a scatter plot whitout having to do plenty of coding. but i am surely wrong !
Hugo Serrat