



I'm currently creating a Word document by generating HTML and changing the header information to display as a .doc file. It's a poor man's method, but it works just fine (until now).

I was just asked to include an image in the file. My best idea was to base64 embed the image. This works fine in a browser, however Word just gives me a box with an X in it.

Suggestions on how I can embed an image into this file and have it display in Microsoft Word?

+2  A: 

That's a tough one, Word isn't able to handle data: base64 encoded images in HTML, at least that's the outcome in this question and this MSDN discussion.

You have three options:

  • Create a folder in the location of the document, store it alongside the document, and reference images relatively (<img src='imageFolder/image1.jpg'>)

  • Work with absolute URLs or file paths (even more sucky)

  • Look into the new Word > 2003 XML based file format(s), it is definitely possible there.

The only other option I can think of is actually creating a native Word file, e.g. using OpenOffice.

re the first dot point, you might be able to create a single .mhtml; see
@plutext great link! How *Word* behaves with HMTHML would have to be seen, looking at the tons of different approaches within one product (IE) :) But probably worth a try.