I'm just starting out with BDD/TDD using MSpec (with AutoMocking by James Broome) and RhinoMocks. Here's an excerpt from my practice project:
namespace Tests.VideoStore.Controllers
public abstract class context_for_movie_controller :
private static IList<Movie> movies;
protected static IMovieRepository _movieRepository;
protected static ActionResult _result;
protected static string title;
protected static string director;
Establish context = () =>
_movieRepository = DependencyOf<IMovieRepository>();
public class when_searching_for_movies_with_director :
Establish context = () =>
title = null;
director = "James Cameron";
var movie4 = new Movie {
Title = "Terminator", Director = "James Cameron"};
var movie6 = new Movie {
Title = "Avatar", Director = "James Cameron"};
movies = new List<Movie> {movie4, movie6};
// Repository returns all movies.
_movieRepository.Stub(x => x.FindMovies(title, director))
Because of = () => _result = subject.Find(title, director);
It should_fetch_movies_from_the_repository = () =>
_movieRepository.AssertWasCalled(x =>
x.FindMovies(title, director));
It should_return_a_list_of_movies_matching_the_director = () =>
As you can see, I stubbed out the FindMovies() method on the MovieRepository class. Then I'm calling the MoviesController.Find() action. My question is, should there be an assert to check if the stubbed method (FindMovies) was called by the controller? Or perhaps should I only care about the returned result and not where it was taken from? Furthermore, a spec that says "should_fetch_movies_from_the_repository" looks a lot like an engineering task, not something that a client might understand - does it have its place in BDD?