My batch file reads all of the files from a windows directory with the option to include sub directories or not include them, and then saves the list to a txt file. It woks perfectly, but for some reason the application returns "File Not Found" after you answers yes or no to the sub directories question (although the question does function properly).. I'm new to batch programming, and this has me stumped.. Here is the code:
@echo off
set /P DIRECTORY=Type Directory to Search:
if not exist %DIRECTORY% goto firstlogin
set /P c=Include Sub-Directories?[Y/N]?
if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" goto :somewhere
if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :somewhere_else
goto :choice
dir -r -n -c -m /s /b /o "%DIRECTORY%" > C:\Users\Zack\Desktop\list_of_program_files.txt
dir -r -n -c -m /b /o "%DIRECTORY%" > C:\Users\Zack\Desktop\list_of_program_files.txt
echo Directory does not exist!
goto :start