When you specify that a generic parameter is a private type, well, Ada assumes you mean it :-)
I.e. you have no access to its components. Ada is not "duck typed", so it's irrelevant whether or not you know that an instantiating type might actually possess a particular field. (How would you expect your Checksum function to work if The_Transfer_Type parameter were instantiated with, say, Integer?)
One way to address this is to also supply an accessor function as a parameter to the generic that will retrieve the data needed to, in this case, compute the checksum. E.g.:
type The_Transfer_Type is private;
with function Get_Checksummable_Data_Item
(Msg : The_Transfer_Type;
I : Integer) return Integer;
SIZE : Integer;
package CC_Test_Channel is
function Checksum(Msg : The_Transfer_Type) return Integer;
end CC_Test_Channel;
The body is then:
function Checksum(Msg : The_Transfer_Type) return Integer is
Sum : Integer := 0;
-- calculate the checksum
for i in 1 .. SIZE loop
Sum := Sum + Get_Checksummable_Data(Msg, I);
end loop;
return Sum;
end Checksum;
The function you supply for Get_Checksummable_Data is then specific to The_Transfer_Type and simply returns the selected value from The_Transfer_Type's component fields.
There are a number of other ways to set this up as well, like providing an unconstrained array type as a generic formal parameter and a formal function to retrieve it--this allows you to also get rid of the explicit SIZE formal parameter. Or you could write a Checksum() function as one of the operations on the type that you're instantiating CC_Test_Channel with, and then have:
with function Calculate_Checksum(Msg : The_Transfer_Type) return Integer;
as one of the generic formals.
Step back, and think about the possibilities...