




Can anyone help me how to optimize this method?

public override VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(RequestContext requestContext, RouteValueDictionary values)
    VirtualPathData path = base.GetVirtualPath(requestContext, values);

    if (path != null)
        string virtualPath = path.VirtualPath;
        string condition = string.Empty;

        if (virtualPath.Contains("?"))
            condition = virtualPath.Substring(virtualPath.IndexOf("?"));
            virtualPath = virtualPath.Substring(0, virtualPath.IndexOf("?"));

        virtualPath = virtualPath.Replace(@"%C5%BD", "ž");
        virtualPath = virtualPath.Replace(@"%C4%90", "đ");
        virtualPath = virtualPath.Replace(@"%C4%86", "ć");
        virtualPath = virtualPath.Replace(@"%C4%8C", "č");
        virtualPath = virtualPath.Replace(@"%C5%A0", "š");

        virtualPath = virtualPath.ToLower().Replace(",", "-").Replace("%20", "-").Replace("&", "-");
        virtualPath = virtualPath.Replace(@"-amp;", "&");

        while (virtualPath.Contains("--"))
            virtualPath = virtualPath.Replace("--", "-");

        path.VirtualPath = virtualPath + condition;

    return path;

Thanks in advance!

+4  A: 

In this code you are scanning the string three times for a character:

if (virtualPath.Contains("?"))
   condition = virtualPath.Substring(virtualPath.IndexOf("?"));
   virtualPath = virtualPath.Substring(0, virtualPath.IndexOf("?"));

Instead, scan it once and use the result three times. Also scan for a char instead of a string:

int pos = virtualPath.IndexOf('?');
if (pos != -1) {
   condition = virtualPath.Substring(pos);
   virtualPath = virtualPath.Substring(0, pos);

Here you are doing several replaces with the same replacement:

virtualPath = virtualPath.ToLower().Replace(",", "-").Replace("%20", "-").Replace("&", "-");

Instead you can use a regular expression to match all of them:

virtualPath = Regex.Replace(virtualPath.ToLower(), "(,|%20|&)", "-");

(Whether this actually gives better performance has to be tested with some of your actual data. Eventhough it's less operations, there is some overhead in setting up the regular expresson.)

You are using a loop to reduce clusters of characters:

while (virtualPath.Contains("--"))
   virtualPath = virtualPath.Replace("--", "-");

Instead you can use a regular expression to make a single replacement:

virtualPath = Regex.Replace(virtualPath, "-{2,}", "-");
Joel Coehoorn

Your most obvious first step would be to use a StringBuilder instead of a String.

String is an immutable type. That means that once created, its value never changes. So, for every Replace call you make in your method, the program will create a whole new String instance to store the result, which is both memory- and processor-intensive. (I say this comparitively - you're not going to max your machine out calling this method once, but if you're calling it thousands of times you'll certainly notice!)

StringBuilder, on the other hand, is a class designed to manipulate strings in-memory and doesn't have to copy/recreate the memory every time you change the String.

So, one big step in the right direction would be to use this at the start of your method:

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(path.VirtualPath.ToLower());
            string condition = string.Empty;

            int index = path.VirtualPath.IndexOf("?");

            if (index > -1)
                condition = virtualPath.Substring(pos);
                sb.Remove(0, index);

            sb.Replace(@"%C5%BD", "ž")
                .Replace(@"%C4%90", "đ")
                .Replace(@"%C4%86", "ć")
                .Replace(@"%C4%8C", "č")
                .Replace(@"%C5%A0", "š")
                .Replace(",", "-")
                .Replace("%20", "-")
                .Replace("&", "-")
                .Replace(@"-amp;", "&");

Notice that I also did the .ToLower() earlier because StringBuilder doesn't have an equivalent, and also notice the sb.Append, which again will prevent a lot of rewriting.

This isn't as optimal as it could get, but it should be quite an improvement...

The one thing I missed out was replacing the "--". StringBuilder doesn't have a "Contains" function, but you could use a regular expression to catch everything in one pass (instead of needing the loop).

Hope that gets you started!

Dan Puzey