



Is anybody aware of a project/url that shares jQuery UI compatible themes, that you can't tell at first glance are from ThemeRoller. Difference: different icons, styling of tabs, dialogs etc, not just color palette. I think you got what I mean. ThemeRoller is nice but would be even nicer to have some visual alternatives. Even 1 would make a difference :) Thanks in advance.

+3  A: 

No, as all the above items are customizable in the ui css file. I usually get it close, then make the necessary changes to the code.

The easiest way I have found to do this is by using firebug, and tweaking the css rules until I get what I am looking for. I then save those changes to the actual file (really easy as firebug gives you line numbers and class names).

EDIT: According to this forum posting, in order to work with ie6, the icons have to be in a very specific format. The forum lists the format.

The good news is that it seems you can likely develop some customized icons in grayscale, and just dump them into the theme you are working on, or even perhaps replace a few of the icons.

I dont have problem with customization of stock themes, what I am interested in would be downloadable customized themes with custom icon sets etc.
See my edited answer about icons.
Still not there :) I know how to customize a UI theme, done it quite a few times, my question is about a place where I could browse/discover themes (ala gnome-look ) that differ from default not just by color. Thanks for your help anyway
I understand your dilemma. As I noted, I know of no such sources, and due to the time involved, I think it is unlikely they will pop up soon. therefore, I just want to try and give you as much help as I could if you were forced by necesity to do it yourself.
so you want custom-made, unique themes that are shared for free online so that anybody can use them - sounds like a bit of a contradiction in terms to me. Any themes that are shared and for free will end up seeming samey eventually.
@pentarim - why don't you develop a site to host alternative themes and get people to submit then, great side project idea!
It does exist in the sense that there is a themeroller at all.We don't disagree that is would be great to have, but with the development pace of jquery, and the relative ease with doing it yourself (excepting the icons, which can be done using a specific format), I just don't see it happening. If you wanted to create a site, I'd try to contribute. However, what you are looking for does not currently exist.
@Fermin @Cryophallion - Thanks. I came to same idea yesterday as well so grabbed, expect something there soon (will update on progress), need to check with UI team if its fine with them
@Pentarim - Bookmarking it now. Basically, the key change you want it to be able to try some new icons though, as that the is only thing you cannot easily do within customizing a theme in themeroller. Is that correct? Keep in mind that a great detail about customizing the theme with themeroller is that it provides a link with a get string with all the mods to it. That is invaluable.

The link below is a theme plugin, seems to have some user updated themes.

Dustin Laine
From what I saw this plugins tries to make easier the loading of a theme (including css worked just fine for me up to now), but doesnt provide new themes, just stock UI themes.
+1  A: 

There's the 'Aristo' JQuery UI theme:

Online demo here:

In a nutshell, the author was fed up with the 'goofiness' of the Themeroller themes and wanted something closer to SproutCore and Cappuccino.

Dan Esparza