



Please suggest a book/tutorial for learning C#, that is concise, compact and to the point. I tried listening to some VTC audio tutorials, but that was longwinding and practically put me to sleep. Google shows too many c# tutorials...

I am familiar with Java, although I haven't written anything useful in it and i get really confused with things like what kind of error/exception would be thrown if any, such and such variable is overwritten in the inner class or something. But I am familiar with the language (Java), looking to learn c#.

+2  A: 

C# is a very feature-rich language, which supports multiple approaches to programming, and works on top of a huge framework. Most books that teach C# effectively are not short because it's impossible to pack all of that info into a "short" book.

Reed Copsey
For now I just wish to learn the syntax of the language. things like 'what is a struct'.
+1  A: 

For to-the point material I would suggest visiting the official visual site

and explore following sections

Asad Butt
+1  A: 

.NET Book Zero

What the C or C++ Programmer Needs to Know About C# and the .NET Framework by Charles Petzold

This free on-line 267-page book is an introduction to C# and the Microsoft .NET Framework for programmers who have experience with C or C++.

Frank Krueger
thanks, that looks promising.