I need to execute a bunch of (up to ~1000000) sql statements on an Oracle database. These statements should result in a referentially consistent state at the end, and all the statements should be rolled back if an error occurs. These statements do not come in a referential order. So if foreign key constraints are enabled, one of the statements may cause a foreign key violation even though, this violation would be fixed with a statement that would be executed later on.
I tried disabling foreign keys first and enabling them after all statements were executed. I thought I would be able to roll back when there was an actual foreign key violation. I was wrong though, I found out that every DDL statement in Oracle started with a commit, so there was no way to rollback the statements this way. Here is my script for disabling foreign keys:
for i in (select constraint_name, table_name from user_constraints
where constraint_type ='R' and status = 'ENABLED')
LOOP execute immediate 'alter table '||i.table_name||' disable constraint
end loop;
After some research, I found out that it was recommended to execute DDL statements, like in this case, in an autonomous transaction. So I tried to run DDL statements in an autonomous transaction. This resulted in the following error:
ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
I am guessing this is because the main transaction still has DDL lock on the tables.
Am I doing something wrong here, or is there any other way to make this scenario work?