im trying to test the spring webservice i have set up.
Im using a web debugger tool to create a request header and then posting it to the URL where my wsdl resides. I have my server running in debug so when i post the request i can see my endpoint class services being injected however an exception is then thrown before the actual business method is executed (im using annotations to specify method to execute).
The exception thrown is ;
InternalExcep E <init> WSWS3227E: Error: Stream closed
and when i dedug i can see that it is being thrown from the getSAAJVersion method of SaajUtils
soapEnvelope = soapMessage.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();
When i inspect the soapmessage parameter being passed into this method is see that it contains the following exception;
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Source lookup error
Anyone have any ideas of what im doing wrong here?