



Hey all.

I am using both the Mobile Device Browser File and a custom .browser file.

In the custom .browser file, there are several ControlAdapters registered. I would like to specify in my custom .browser file to use different ControlAdapters if the detected device is mobile (provided the Mobile Device Browser File lists it as mobile). How do I do that in my custom .browser file? I do not want to modify the Mobile Device Browser File. Thanks.

I am using something like this, but it is not working

<browser refID="Default">
      <adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Menu"
               adapterType="CSSFriendly.MenuAdapter" />
<browser id="Mobile" parentID="Default">
      <capability name="isMobileDevice" match="true" />
      <adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Menu"
           adapterType="Controls.Adapters.Mobile.MenuAdapter" />

I had to put my control adapters file into a subdirectory.

Daniel A. White