Hallo, I have a WebBrowser control webbr initiated and a page loaded. I fill out the fields on the page's form through parsing: HtmlDocument htmldoc = webbr.Document; and so on ... Then: webbr.Url = new Uri("http://www.host.fr/cherche?q_que=%2Barg1+%2Barg2"); htmldoc.GetElementById("Submit_Btn").InvokeMember("click"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); Load new page: do { Application.DoEvents();} while (webbr.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete); When I now read webbr.Url it's: "http://www.host.fr/cherche?q_que=+arg1++arg2"; But that what I need are these hexadecimal values %2B in arguments! How can I preserve them in the url? Thanks