



JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this? I modified the values in run.bat but result is same. "- Xms1024 Xmx1024 PermGen512"


You might have a resource leak, in which case anything but finding and removing the leak will only delay the error, not prevent it. jhat & -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError will let you inspect the objects in your heap at the time of the OOM, which is a decent start to figuring out if you have a leak & where your leak is.

As for run.bat, the options you list may not be working the way you intend. I would be sure to specify the "m"egabyte (kilobyte? gigabyte? mb seemed most likely here) suffix explicitly, and to set the max size before the initial size. So, -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512M.

512 megabytes, btw, is a big size for a permanent generation. Maybe you meant kb?. You can either use jstat or add -XX:-PrintGCDetails to your run.bat to see how much permanent generation space is actually being used.
