



Does anyone know of a utility for generating PowerShell cmdlet help files? Doing it by hand seems a bit tedious...

I located:

Any updated versions? I can't select a module. I have a binary module.

+2  A: 

I've created a Powershell script that will generate MAML for cmdlets and functions regardless of whether they part of modules. It's not perfect as the generated MAML will require some manual editing, but so does the cmdlet help editor you referenced. I have a blog post about it here

If you use it and find corrections feel free to update the script on PoshCode.

Chad Miller
I should have indicated that my module was binary. Thanks for the post though it really got me going in the right direction.
Adam Driscoll
No problem. It should still work for binary modules since I'm keying off of CommandInfo or FunctionInfo to generate the MAML.
Chad Miller